Phone 0411 083 966
Fax 3880 6245
Live Life, Love Life
We are excited to announce that we are running PAIN MANGEMENT GROUP THERAPY SESSIONS from our new offices at the North Lakes Specialist Medical Centre (Room 308), 6 North Lakes Drive.
Group therapy is a great opportunity to engage with others. It is an interactive environment that allows for exploration and education that is often not possible in the individual therapy sessions. For clients who are already engaged in individual therapy, or have been previously, it creates additional opportunities for insight, understanding and growth. Group therapy is accessible and affordable and an excellent opportunity to improve your psychological wellbeing.
The basic structure we use for our pain group is a 10-week group psychotherapy program that combines pain management skills and supportive psychotherapy. The contents of the sessions will be structured to address problems specific to the group of pain patients.
The group sessions will have a cognitive behavioural therapy approach focussing on pain education, the management of mood states (anxiety and depression), focused breathing, muscle relaxation and mindfulness as solution to pain management. We will provide you with tools and strategies to gain a better understanding of yourself, your brain and your pain.
If you have a current referral (Mental health Care Plan) from your GP that has been issued in the past 12 months, you are eligible for up to 12 rebated group sessions over and above your individual therapy sessions.
We are starting our next group sessions in January 2019. If you are interested in joining this group, please register your interest with Julie at MyMind Psychology by phoning 0411083966 or sending us an e-mail on paragraph here.